Friday, March 11, 2011


It is very hard to believe that my baby girl will be 1 next month!!!!She has brought such an immense amount of joy and happiness to our family. She truly is a blessing. She undoubtedly completes our family. She is always smiling. People actually comment on how happy she is and are constantly asking me if her docile nature is ever jeopardized, which is very rare. She loves watching people and loves to dance to the tunes on her big sisters cartoons. She wants so badly to interact with her sister and play at her level, which again, is very rare. Every now and then Isabella gives her the time of day and amuses her by crawling around the house enticing little Jenna to follow. She HATES baby food and has completely phased it out of her diet all together. She prefers to feed herself, like her big sister, and solely munches on Graduates Cheetos, yogurt bites, ritz crackers, applesauce, grilled cheese, cheerios, chicken, and yogurt. Although she crawled somewhat early, at 6 months, she has absolutely no interest in walking or even attempting to will her little baby legs to take a step. She cruises along the couch and occasionally does the one handed grab, but other than that, she prefers to crawl or be held, which mommy LOVES. She is acquiring quite the little vocabulary. Her words currently consist of : mama, dada, daddy, uh-oh, nana, hi, bye bye and daddy. Her favorite word is daddy, and although we would like to consider it a term of endearment for Philip, it is actually her pet name for mommy. She crawls, crying all around the house in search of her mommy yelling "daddy, daddy." She wakes up in the mornings, stands at the foot of her crib and yells " daddy, daddy," towards her slightly opened door until she sees my smiling face peek in and smother her with morning kisses. She is such a sweet, gentle soul, however she has a little bit of vixen lurking within. She takes things from Isabella when her back is turned, she raises her eyebrows in attempts to lure others to get her what she wants and she loves to be chased! I cannot believe she will be one next month. My baby girl is growing up and there is nothing I can do to stop it, so instead I will embrace it and try to be the best mommy I can be, now and forever.

                                                She is so irresistable, I just love her so much!

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