Saturday, June 25, 2011


Let me just say..... Wow!! It has been a loooooooong time since I have posted on here! It has been EXTREMELY busy around here lately, and I don't see it easing up any time soon! I must also say I am still having trouble learning how to upload pics onto may blog using my iPad.I think a trip to Best Buy is in desperate need. I was able to use my old computer to post pics on here but.... Now my old computer won't even turn on!! So here we are again..pictureless. I am working on fixing the problem so to all of those overseas who have been waiting for new pictures and posts of the girls.....soon enough, soon enough. I promise!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sun & Suds

So far the weather this week has been phenomenal!! It's been a bit on the warm side( most days the high has been 97 degrees!) so, we have been tying to find as many ways as possible to keep cool while being outside. I am embarrassed to say I cannot remember the last time my car was what better excuse to Wash it than to soak up the sun, play in the suds and de-energize my very energized 4 year old!! ;) Isabella had a blast, so much so it might become a weekly occurrence!
                                                              she was working hard!!
Only half of my car was washed because the hose would not reach to the other side, but nonetheless, it was true summer fun! ;)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Big Day

Today was the day! It was Isabella's first dance recital!! I must say I was quite nervous about my Isabella getting up on such a big stage in such a big auditorium in front of hundreds of people! I was unsure of what her reaction would, being a little precious 4 year old on such a massive stage.... well let me just tell you, she reacted with pure happiness and excitement! Seeing her up there brought tears to my eyes, I could not believe my baby was up there with such poise dancing her little heart out!I was sooooooo proud of her! She is such a sweet little blessing.
posing with her medal and the roses nana brought her in congratulations of her stellar performance.
                                                              It was so a special day.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The countdown to 30!

I had a fantastic bday weekend filled with family and of course fun. I spent Saturday shopping with my mom and baby Jenna while Philip had a daddy/daughter day with our Isabella in which they played soccer and had a special lunch date. Sunday morning my fantastic hubby surprised me with a brand new iPad 2! I was soooooo excited! Lemme just say, this thing is addicting! After we opened cards and presents we made our way to the YMCA water park pool, the girsl had a blast! Sunday night we had a baby-sitter, outside of family members, for the first time as the adults headed to dinner! I adore our new babysitter and feel so blessed to have someone we love and trust to keep our girls safe. Dinner was scrumptious, and after several glasses of wine, we headed home and hit the hay! It really was a perfect weekend! Thanks to everyone for making it so my brother says, the countdown to thirty has officially begun!

Ps) I am still trying to figure out how to add pics on here using this new iPad....