Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ballet and Legos

We have been quite busy the last couple of days. Yesterday Isabellas school was supposed to be closed in honor of MLK day, But it was not until late yesterday morning that I decided to check me email and discovered a "reminder note," from the room mom  reminding me that school was in fact open!So, rather than wasting the day away...we ventured off to Concord Mills to check out the new lego store! Isabella had a blast looking at all of the lego exhibits and playing at the childrens lego table! After the lego store we walked around the mall, rode the carousel and enjoyed some delicious cotton candy ice cream!!

Let the tower-building begin!
 She found the lego table and got right to work!

Today, was another day of excitement. It was Isabellas first day of her new combinaton tap/ballet class! She LOVES to dance!!!!
Tap Star!

Ballet Princess


  1. What a perfect combination - building and dancing, Isabella is a girl of so many talents!

  2. Adorable!! So glad you guys had fun at the Lego store!
