Wednesday, January 26, 2011

9 Months!

Today after dropping Isabella off at school, Jenna and I headed over to the pediatricians office for her 9 month well check appointment! The doc said my baby girl is in perfect health! ( of course ;) ) She is meeting all of her 9 month old expectations which include: clapping, waving, crawling, cruising along furniture, perfecting her pincher's for self feeding. Her little vocabulary is starting to grow as well, she says mama, dada, doggy and hi!  Her overall stats at 9 months were :
Weight- 20 lbs ( 75 %)
Height- 28 1/2 inches ( 90 %)
 I can't believe she is going to be 1 in less than 3 months!!!!


  1. wow! i can't believe it's been 9 months already! give the girls hugs from aunt molly :)

  2. Wow, seems like you just had her! What a sweet baby girl!
