Friday, April 1, 2011

Outdoor Living

We sold our patio set which consisted of a table, 4 chairs and an umbrella, many months ago. We realized it was just taking up space in our already miniature outdoor living space. We enjoy sitting out there talking, relaxing and having one ( or a few) adult beverages...but we rarely ever ATE out there. I knew I wanted to fill the space with something that tempted us into actually utilizing our outdoor living space, kind of like having another room , such as a sun room. So.... after a lot of research and comparisons we finally filled our space. We got rid of the pebbles that surrounded the deck, they were pretty to look at and very low maintenance but extremely impractical for small children. We replaced the pebbles with heavenly sod. I am so excited to have a "mini yard" out there now! It already makes the area seem bigger! Then, I found my ideal sitting arrangement....  a "conversation set," I cannot take credit for the title! ;) It is basically an outdoor living room and I LOVE it!!! I picked up two matching pink chairs( of course) for the girls.... and Voila!!! My outdoor living space has gone from blah to ta da!!!!I envision eating breakfast out there during the summer, enjoying some cocktails with friends and of course.. lots of conversation!! ;)
                                                 this is a really bad picture, but I think you get the idea.

                                                      Jenna exploring the new grass

                                                                         Ta da!!                                 

1 comment:

  1. Love your patio furniture! Those stripe pillows are very pretty! Enjoy!
