Monday, April 11, 2011


As some have noticed, I have been mia lately. My little computer got a hold of a lovely virus last week and has been with the Geek Squad ever since. They worked their techie magic and....... I'm back!! My newest hobby has been one of which that actually got my husbands attention!! ;) There is a new show on TLC called " Extreme Couponing." Basically it's a show all about crazy coupon ladies that spend hours upon hours cutting, clipping and organizing coupons. Well, lemme tell ya, all that time is time well spent! ( no pun intended! ha ha) One woman on the show bought $500 worth of groceries and only paid $47 after coupons and in store deals!! So, I tried my hand at the craft, I made my meal plan for the week based upon in store specials and the few coupons I had. I saved $54 grocery shopping yesterday!!! I was super excited. Although it was a small feat, it was a start. I have A LOT to learn about couponing so I did some research and found a local lady that does private "couponing classes" in your home. ( yes, I am a huge dork)  I am pleased to say I will be hosting a "couponing party" on Thursday May 19th!! If you are interested let me know!!!!
                                     Here's a few of the items I got for FREE during my grocery trip!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back & YAY on the couponing! I am new to the game as well, but actually attended a coupon "party" a few months ago that a friend of mine did. It is great to learn the little tips & tricks! Happy Couponing!!
