Monday, August 22, 2011

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to school we go!

Today was officially our first day of the new school year, all three of us! Unfortunately my little Jenna bug got sick over the weekend consisting of a fever and various other symptoms resulting in a raspy little voice. So, she did not attend her first day of school; Isabella, on the other hand, made it with nothing but smiles!!She was soooo excited! Overall, we had a fantastic start to the new year!
                                           She was saying" happy first day of school" in this picture...
                                         She was sooooo excited to play with all of her new friends!
                                   modeling her "zebra dress" as she calls it with her new lunch box!


  1. Soo cute! Glad you girls had a great first day, and I hope that Jenna feels better and has a great time at school as well!

  2. Too, too cute!! Hope you both had a great first day at school! So sorry about Jenna, hope she feels better soon! My kids all start tomorrow except for Jack who has had a fever today & has to miss his first day of 4th grade.
    Praying you guys have a wonderful year!!
