Monday, August 29, 2011


Last week was a week full of firsts. Isabella and Jenna had their first day of school... both on different days. I previously posted Isabella's pics from her first day of school however Jenna's were delayed because she was sick on her first day and was unable to attend. So, when both girls were temporarily healthy enough to make it school together, I took some more pictures....
                                                           Jenna's "first" day of school...

                                                    So excited to go to school!

                       not sure why Isabella has such a sour face on, but Jenna sure was happy and ready to go!
       Isabella visited the Dentist for the first time! She was a bit skeptical at first but eventually, with the help of her cool shades, she was able to relax!
             Unfortunately one of our other firsts this week was the fact that BOTH girls were sick at the same time. The school year was not off to a very healthy start.... but, i think everyone is on the mend and the sickies are finally gone.... for now. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Your girls are so cute! Hope that everyone is feeling better now!!
