Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Where do I start?!

Ok, so, we have had a lot going on around here lately... we have been enjoying our "summer slips," playing, and plain ol' having fun! I will start with our slip from two days ago that read" Let's get Bedazzled," which consisted of all things jewelry... Isabella picked out a special necklace while birthday shopping with our cousin Ashley, making fruit loop necklaces, and "bedazzling" a picture frame for her room.
                                                           Fruity fun....

                                                              working hard on her frame!
                            Yesterday was a "non-slip" day because I had to go into work for a few hours my dear friend Juliane watched the girls....let me just say, she went above and beyond and made my girls morning extra special with fun art projects and an extra special lunch! Today was "movie day" because the weather outside was kinda yucky so we watched "101 Dalmatians" and "Tangled" and enjoyed some a very movie appropriate snack..popcorn!
It is no secret that Isabella loves all things pink and glittery and anything that requires dressing up and playing princess, well, Jenna decided she wanted to be a princess too and one afternoon she turned herself into Cinderella!
                                          She decided to play both parts of Cinderella a once... wear the sparkly pink skirt WHILE sweeping the floor! Smart girl, multi-tasking already!

                        I decided to get involved with the dress up action and "dressed up" Jenna's hair!

                                                A pony tail on top and pig tails in the back!!

                                                         This is my new favorite hair do!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Everything looks like fun! That new hair-do on Jenna is precious!! I remember putting Darcy's hair up like that!
